

8月14日,在重庆参加2024“未来之桥”中国—中东欧青年研修交流营的约40名中东欧青年走进中移物联网全球展示中心,感受数字经济时代,物联网给人类生活带来的巨大变化。克里斯蒂安·卡里那来自斯洛伐克,是一名机器学习工程师,中移物联网全球展示中心展示的5G、能源互联网等技术令他赞不绝口。克里斯蒂安·卡里那尤其对中国的手机地图可以精准地为红绿灯读秒感到印象深刻,他表示,如果这项技术能在他的国家应用,将大大改善当地的交通情况。(中青报·中青网见习记者 蒋继璇 贾骥业 记者 白杨)

Topic:Slovak Engineer: "Hope China’s advanced Internet of Things technology can be applied to my country."

On 14th August, about 40 young people from Central and Eastern Europe participating in the 2024 "Bridge of the Future" China-Central and Eastern Europe Youth Campus came to the China Mobile IoT(Internet of Things) Global Exhibition Center in Chongqing, and learned about the tremendous changes that the IoT brings to human life in the digital economy era. Kristian Kalinak, who's a machine learning engineer from Slovakia, highly complimented the 5G, energy internet, and other technologies displayed at the China Mobile IoT Global Exhibition Center. And he was impressed by the precise second-reading function of the mobile map for traffic lights in China. "If this technology could be applied in my country, it would greatly improve the local traffic situation." he said. (Reporter:Jixuan Jiang, Jiye Jia, Yang Bai from China Youth Daily)